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VOLUME – 6 ISSUE – 11 - November - 2019 - JOURNAL COVER PAGE |
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Synthesis, Characterization and DNA binding of Copper (II) complexes with mixed ligands of 1, 10 - Phenanthroline / 2, 2’- Bipyridyl, L-Valine: studies on Anti-microbial and Anti-cancer activities
P. C. Saravanan, D. Ezhilarasan and M. N. Arumugham
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Synthesis, Characterization, DNA Binding studies and Biological activities of Cobalt (III) Complexes containing 1,10 Phenanthroline and 8- Hydroxy Quinoline & Orthophenyldiamine
S. Kumaran, D. Ezhilarasan and M. N. Arumugham
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Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Uvariaopsis tripetala on Hyperglycaemia, Weight loss, Polydipsia and Polyphagia in Alloxan- induced Diabetic Wistar Rats
Momoh T. B, Hassan A. O, Abaniwo R. M, Ojade F. E, Olorunnado G. B
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Synthesis, Characterization, DNA Binding studies and Biological activities of Copper (II) Complexes containing 1,10- Phenanthroline / 2,2’ - bipyridyl and L-Ornithine & Ethylamine
S. Kumaran, D. Ezhilarasan and M. N. Arumugham