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VOLUME – 7 ISSUE – 7 - July - 2020 - JOURNAL COVER PAGE |
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In-vitro and in-vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity of methanolic extract of Arbutus pavarii Pampan and Sarcopoterium spinosum L. growing in Libya
Fatma Elshibani, Faisa Alzunni, Abdullah Alamami, Seham El Hawary, Abd El Rahaman El Shabrawy, Shahira Ezzat, Adel Tohamy
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Development of Gold Electrode Modified With Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate-Nafion to Determine Selenium (IV) in Bulk and in Dosage Formulations Using Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Analysis
Abdul Aziz Ramadan, Hasna Mandil, Abdul Rahman Shikh-Debes
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Spectrophotometric Determination of Glimepiride in Bulk and Tablet Dosage forms Through Formation Ion-Pair Complex Using Metacresol purple.
Abdul Aziz Ramadan, Hasna Mandil, Souad Zeino
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Major causes of organ and carcass condemnation and its financial losses in cattle slaughtered at Wolaita Sodo municipal Abattior, SNNPRS, Ethiopia
Tekalign Woldehana Uro and Belay Walelign Moges