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VOLUME – 9 ISSUE – 1 - January - 2022 - JOURNAL COVER PAGE |
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1. |
Evaluation of changes on Platelet, PT and PTTK of smokers in Okehi and its environment
Oke O.T, Evinavoh Maryam Osimeun, and Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi
2. |
Relationship between Thrombopoietin and Interleukin 3: A Review
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu, Ijeoma L Okoroiwu and Getrude Uzoma Obeagu
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Growth, spectral, thermal and mechanical studies on bisthiourea cobalt chloride single crystal: An efficient SHG material for NLO applications
T. Dhanabal, B. Raja
4. |
Fibrin degradation product and Haemorrhage
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu, Getrude Uzoma Obeagu, Stella Chinenye Kama