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VOLUME – 8 ISSUE – 12 - December - 2021 - JOURNAL COVER PAGE |
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Formulation and Standardization of Siddha drug - Kana Mantha Mathirai (KMM)
Gayathri V, Victoria S
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Phytochemistry, metabolites quantification and antioxidant activity of Calotropis procera (Ait.) and Ficus umbellata (Vahl.), plants traditionally used against hemorrhoids in Benin
YOMAKOU BATO GEORGES G. René, GLINMA Bienvenu, ASSOGBA M. Fidèle, AKAKPO Baï Huguette, AHOTON Djidénou, AÏKPE AHOUNOU Judith Fifamin, YAYI LADEKAN Eléonore, GBENOU Joachim D.
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Versatile application of silver nanoparticles from leaf extracts of Arisaema leschenaultii (Blume) Cobra lily: Microwave synthesis and characterization.
Jayanthi Kamalanathan, C. Sadhanandhan and M. S. Suresh
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Epidemiology, risk factor and status of bovine Demodecosis in Ethiopia
Tsegaye Mitiku