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VOLUME – 8 ISSUE – 4 - April - 2021 - JOURNAL COVER PAGE |
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Analytical standardisation and Evaluation of pirali ennai for the treatment of Aama Kalichal (Bacillary Dysentry)
Subaraj S, Magendiran S, Shyamala K
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Therapeutic effectiveness of Siddha formulation Thulasi Ennai: A Review
S.Yavanarani, M. Sathiyabama, P. Mirunaleni, K. Suresh, M. Meenakshi Sundaram,V. Banumathi
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A Review on ectoparasites in poultry farm.
Wondimu Hailu Enaro and Tekalign Woldehana Uro
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Assessment of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used for livestock treatment in five selected Kebeles of Kersa district Jimma zone, South western Oromia, Ethiopia
Emiru Chimdessa Gemechu , Balcha Abera Ena