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Synthesis of Chitosan Silver nanoparticles from Chitin of Crustacean shells and Its Applications
Sharanya Devadiga B, Deepa Shetty, Geetha Lakshmi M.S, Jenitta Emima Packiyam, Rama Bhat. P
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-1
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Isolation and characterization of flavonoid from leaves of Abrus precatorius
Jaya Gupta and Amit Gupta
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-2
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Bioequivalence Study of A newly Formulated Effervescent Ciprofloxacin Tablets With reference Tablets in Rabbits
Ahmed M. A. Masaad, Ibrahim A.Maghrabi, and Badraddin M. H. Al-Hadiya
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-3
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Ruthenium (II)-arylazoimidazole ( RaaiR’ )-catecholates (CA) : Synthesis, Spectral study, Solvatochromism and Electrochemistry
Prithwiraj Byabartta
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-4
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Synthesis, Spectral studies and Antimicrobial activity of Arsenic (III) Benzaldehyde Semicarbazone, Thiosemicarbazone and their Derivatives
Tripti Kamalpuria, Megha Chourey, Nameeta Bende, Anish Ghuraiya, Arpan Bhardwaj
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-5
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complex with Tridentate Schiff Base
D. Ghosh, A. Bag, and R. Ganguly
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-6
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Substituent Effects on Simple Diels-Alder Reactions: Evidence for Possible Explosive Reactions from Quantum Mechanical Calculations
Aswany P N, Arya Suresh, Vijayakumar G, Renjith Thomas
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-7
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Reassessment of Geological Inputs and Anthropogenic Pressure on Aquifers at Agra - Mathura Region
Susan Verghese. P
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-8
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Comparison Atrazin concentration levels in the water at the inlet to the bottled water factories and water treatment plant No. 2 in Ahvaz City and outlet water of them after the water treatment process
Heibatollah Kalantar, Mohammad Reza Amirmoezi, Zahra Nazari Khorasgani Abdalazim Behfar, Abdalghani Ameri
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijcrcps-2016-3-5-9
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Complexation Studies of some Inner Transition Metal Ions with Benzylpenicillin.
Rajesh Kumar Mishra and B.G.Thakur
SOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrcps.2016.03.05.010
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Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl Sweitenia mycrophylla gum. A potential exicipient
O. Adeyanju, A.O Edah, Y. Hussaini, A.I. Adejoh and U.C Nwanta
SOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijcrcps.2016.03.05.011